About Us...

What We Believe

– The Creation of heaven and earth – Exodus 20:11; 31:17

– The Verbal-Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scripture and its value in the life of the believer – 2 Tim. 3:16-17

– The Triune Godhead in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – Matt. 28-19

-The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ – Matt. 1:23

-The Absolute Deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God – Col 1:15-20; 1 Tim. 3:16

-The Necessity of the Blood to remove sin in the life of the believer when he comes to faith – Rom. 5:8-11; Heb. 9:22

-The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Luke 24:4-7

-The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Acts 1:11

-The Fall of Man and the resulting Depravity – Rom. 3:10-18

-The Eternal Security of all believers – John 10:27-30

-The Necessity of the New Birth for mankind because of his position of spiritual death before God – John 3:3

-The Eternal Existence of the Redeemed in heaven – 1 Pet. 1: 3-5

-The Eternal Punishment for those who have not accepted Christ as Savior – John 3:36

-The responsibility of the believer to Share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost world – Acts 1:8

-The responsibility of the believer to Separate from the world – 2 Cor. 6:14-18


The basic philosophy of ministry at Winfild Bible Chapel is three-fold:

UPWARD – In praise, honor, and glory to our awesome God

INWARD – for the building up of the body and the edification of its individual members toward the goal of reaching some measure of the image of Jesus Christ

OUTWARD – to share the good News of the Gospel of Christ with those living in a dark world, alienated from God.


Our mission as a church is that every activity conducted in the name of Jesus Christ at Winfield Bible Chapel will have as its expressed purpose one of the three specific goals stated in our philosophy.

As people gather together in worship each person is to exercise the gifts that God has granted to encourage, exhort, and  serve one another.   Thus the church becomes a training area to equip its members to effectively share their faith and evangelize the community.

Our Leadership & Staff

Family and Youth Pastor – Jim Brunson

It was only natural for Jim to become the Family and Youth Pastor at Winfield Bible Chapel.  Jim has been a member of the WBC Community ever since he was a young boy.  After graduating from Baptist Bible College, in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, Jim returned to Winfield and became involved in many of the youth ministries.  Jim has a unique way of engaging with the youth to establish life-long friendships.  Many of the young adults who have graduated from the youth ministries continue to maintain a close friendship with him.  In 2015 Jim formally became the Family and Youth Minister at WBC.  He is married to Megan and has 3 boys, Titus, Liam, and Silas.

Worship Leader -    Jelny Jaquez

JJ grew up in the Dominican Republic and moved to America after marrying his beautiful wife AnneMarie. JJ and AnneMarie now have three precious children. Before becoming a Christian, JJ was about to sign a contract to become a pop musician/singer in the Dominican Republic. However, right before he signed, God changed his heart and he took another path to serve the Lord. He is grateful for the opportunity to serve as Winfield Bible Chapel's worship leader and loves that he gets to bring his passion for music to worship along the brethren. He is excited to see what God has in store for HIS people.

Administrative Assistant & Secretary - Jackie Squires

Former Senior Pastor - Kim Gee

2004 - 2024

Our History

The church was originally formed as the Church of God at Pleasant Ridge on April 10, 1861. The meeting house was built in September of that same year, but unfortunately that building was destroyed by fire.  The present “Old church Building” was built on the original foundation and then dedicated on January 28, 1894.  This new building was furnished with crudely made pews and chairs, a table and pulpit.  The building was warmed by two stoves.  It was designed to hold about fifty adults and children.  Many improvements were made over the following years.  


Associated with the Winbrinarian Church of God in North America, the Winfield Church belonged to the Maryland-Virginia Eldership.  In the early 1960’s many of the church congregations of the Eldership become opposed to the direction the Eldership was taking and withdrew membership from the Finley, Ohio based organization.  Winfield was one of the several Carroll County churches to withdraw and reorganize.  Under the direction of Pastor Emory Sell, Winfield Bible Chapel was formed and incorporated.  The date was October 26, 1967.


Many men have pastored the Chapel, including Dr. Albert Knoblock who came to Winfield on June 1, 1978.  There were about 35 members attending at that time.  The following year the Chapel began to outgrow the “Old Church Building” and a building committee was formed to prepare for future growth.


On August 17, 1979 the old Wyatt property was purchased from the Schulte family.  After two years of preparation by the committee and the congregation, the Arbaugh Architect Firm of Westminster, Maryland was chosen to prepare drawings for the new church building.  The Buelis Construction Company was then selected as the contractor for construction.  A ground breaking ceremony was held on Sunday afternoon, June 6, 1982 and construction began on July 7.  Many of the men in the congregation contributed time and talent as well as material for certain phases of the construction.


The congregation occupied the new building on Palm Sunday of 1983.  The dedication service was held on May 22, 1983 with Dr. Thomas Edgar of the Capital Bible Seminary as the speaker.  New pews were installed in the new Chapel on August 31, 1984.  The building seats 300 people.


In March of 1987, the Pastor moved into the new parsonage and the old parsonage was made into church offices, the Pastor’s office, Sunday school and youth rooms, a conference room, and a reception area.  In October of 1988, the church parking lot was paved.  In December of 1988, the “Old Church Building” was renovated by the men of the Church and turned into a mini-gym for the youth of our fellowship.


Throughout the past 150 years the faithfulness of God has been very evident at Winfield Bible Chapel.  In reflection of the past we look forward to how God plans to use the Chapel to carry out His great Commission.  We hope you will be a part of His plan here in this fellowship to bring the Good News of the Gospel to our community and beyond.




(410) 795-4125


5407 Woodbine Road, 

Woodbine, MD, 21797

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